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  • Price match/layaway

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  • Just a quick question. Do you know if I can get a price match from another store and start a 90 day layaway for that matched price if the firearm on buds says layaway available and price match request. Thank you!

    2 Answers

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  • Community Default Avatar
    by - Lifetime Points: 0
    Chosen as Best Answer
  • For the most part, yes. I have found that Bud's will rarely actually match a price from someone else. They will give you their best price though. It's up to you to decide if the price is good enough. You should take shipping into account when it comes to price matching. Bud's tends to ship guns free.

  • Community Default Avatar
    by - Lifetime Points: 320
    Chosen as Best Answer
  • If the gun says price match request you can get a price match, and yes as long as it says layaway available or your a team buds member you can place the item on layaway as well. Hope this helps

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